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Status der Studie

» Thoraxonkologie » Kleinzelliges Lungenkarzinom

Alle Linien

AMG 757 Studie
A study to assess the safety, tolerability, and pharmacokinetics of AMG 757 in Subjects with Small Cell Lung Cancer (Aktiv)

Whole Brain Radiation Therapy Alone vs. Radiosurgery for SCLC Patients With 1-10 Brain Metastases (ENCEPHALON) (Aktiv)


AMG 20200469
A Phase 1b Study Evaluating the Safety and Efficacy of First-Line Tarlatamab in Combination With Carboplatin, Etoposide, and PD-L1 Inhibitor in Subjects With Extensive Stage Small Cell Lung Cancer (Aktiv)

Clinical Research Platform Into Molecular Testing, Treatment and Outcome of (Non-)Small Cell Lung Carcinoma Patients (Aktiv)

A study on the efficacy and safety of cisplatin/etoposide and concomitant radiotherapy in combination with durvalumab, an immunotherapy, in patients with local limited small cell lung cancer (Aktiv)

MO43989 Liquid1st
An International Prospective Study to Evaluate the Impact of Liquid Biopsy in Participants With a Clinical Diagnosis of Advanced Cancer (L1ST) (Aktiv)

Zweitlinie oder später

20200491 DeLLphi
Eine Phase-2-Studie zur Beurteilung der Wirksamkeit, Sicherheit, Verträglichkeit und Pharmakokinetik von AMG 757 bei Patienten mit rezidiviertem/refraktärem kleinzelligem Lungenkarzinom nach mindestens zwei vorangegangenen Therapielinien (Aktiv)

A Randomized, Open-label, Phase 3 Study of Tarlatamab Compared With Standard of Care in Subjects With Relapsed Small Cell Lung Cancer After Platinum-based First-line Chemotherapy (DeLLphi-304) (Aktiv)

BI 1438-0002
A Phase I, non-randomized, open-label, multi-center dose escalation trial of BI 764532 combined with ezabenlimab in patients with Small Cell Lung Carcinoma and other neuroendocrine neoplasms expressing DLL3. (Aktiv)

BI 1438-0009/ DAREON-9
DAREON-9: A Phase Ib Open-label Dose Escalation and Dose Confirmation Safety Study of Intravenous BI 764532 in Combination With Topotecan for the Treatment of Patients With Small Cell Lung Cancer (Aktiv)

DAREON™-5 / 1438-0005
An open-label, multi-center Phase II dose selection trial of intravenous BI 764532, a DLL3-targeting T cell engager, in patients with relapsed/refractory extensive-stage small cell lung cancer and in patients with other relapsed/refractory neuroendocrine carcinomas (Aktiv)

A Study to Test Different Doses of BI 764532 in Patients With Small Cell Lung Cancer and Other Neuroendocrine Tumours That Are Positive for Delta-Like Ligand 3 (DLL3). (Aktiv)

128 / 5.000 Phase-3-Studie zu Trilaciclib bei Patienten mit kleinzelligem Lungenkrebs im fortgeschrittenen Stadium (ES-SCLC), die eine Topotecan-Chemotherapie erhalten (Aktiv)

A Randomized, Multicenter, Open-label, Phase III Study of Lurbinectedin Single-Agent or Lurbinectedin in Combination with Irinotecan versus Investigator’s Choice (Topotecan or Irinotecan) in Relapsed Small Cell Lung Cancer (SCLC) Patients (LAGOON Trial) (Aktiv)

Multizentrische Basket-Studie zur kombinierten CRAF- und MEK-Inhibition bei fortgeschrittenen Tumorerkrankungen mit BRAF-Mutationen und eingeschränkter Kinase-Aktivität (Aktiv)

Studien im nNGM - Ausgabe aus dem DKTK-Studienregister
Dr. N. Gökbuget, Dipl.-Biol. K. Ihrig | Ohne Gewähr für Richtigkeit oder Vollständigkeit |