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Status der Studie

» Hämatologische Neoplasien » Multiples Myelom

Alle Linien

A Phase 2, Multicohort Open-Label study of JNJ-68284528, a Chimeric Antigen Receptor T cell (CAR-T) Therapy directed against BCMA in Subjects with Multiple Myeloma (68284528MMY2003) (Aktiv)

A Study to Determine the Recommended Dose and Regimen and Evaluate the Safety and Preliminary Efficacy of CC-92480 in Combination With Standard Treatments in Subjects With Relapsed or Refractory Multiple Myeloma (RRMM) and Newly Diagnosed Multiple Myeloma (NDMM) (Aktiv)


A phase I/IIa clinical trial to assess feasibility, safety and antitumor activity of autologous SLAMF7 CAR-T cells (Aktiv)

DREAMM9 (GSK 209664))
Study of Belantamab Mafodotin Plus Standard of Care (SoC) in Newly Diagnosed Multiple Myeloma (Aktiv)

A Phase 2 Study to Evaluate Safety and Efficacy of Teclistamab in Combination with Daratumumab, Lenalidomide and Dexamethasone with and without Bortezomib as Induction Therapy and Teclistamab in Combination with Daratumumab and Lenalidomide as Maintenance Therapy in Participants with Newly Diagnosed Transplant Eligible Multiple Myeloma (Aktiv)

A Randomized Phase III Non-inferiority Trial Assessing Lenalidomide, Bortezomib and Dexamethasone Induction Therapy With Either Intravenous or Subcutaneous Isatuximab in Transplant-eligible Patients With Newly Diagnosed Multiple Myeloma. (Aktiv)

A Randomized Phase III Trial Assessing Iberdomide Versus Iberdomide Plus Isatuximab Maintenance Therapy Post Autologous Hematopoietic Stem-Cell Transplantation in Patients With Newly Diagnosed Multiple Myeloma (Aktiv)

Phase 3 Study of Teclistamab in Combination With Lenalidomide and Teclistamab Alone Versus Lenalidomide Alone in Participants With Newly Diagnosed Multiple Myeloma as Maintenance Therapy Following Autologous Stem Cell Transplantation - MajesTEC-4 (Aktiv)

Paraproteinämische Keratopathie
Inzidenz der paraproteinämischer Keratopathie bei Patienten mit monoklonaler Gammopathie unklarer Signifikanz, smoldering multiplem Myelom und multiplem Myelom (Aktiv)

TALMMY 1001-PT3,JNJ-64407564MMY1001
Dose Escalation Study of Talquetamab in Participants With Relapsed or Refractory Multiple Myeloma (Aktiv)

Zweitlinie oder später

64407564MMY1005 TRIMM-3
A Phase 1b Study of Bispecific T Cell Redirection Antibodies in Combination With Checkpoint Inhibition for the Treatment of Participants With Relapsed or Refractory Multiple Myeloma (Aktiv)

Phase-1/2-Studie zu Isatuximab bei Patienten mit rezidiviertem oder refraktärem multiplem Myelom (Aktiv)

Ixazomib in combination to thalidomide - dexamethasone for patients with relapsed and/or refractory multiple myeloma (Aktiv)

AMG 70120170122
The purpose of this First-in-Human Phase 1 study is to determine during the escalation part if AMG 701 given as weekly short term IV infusions is safe and tolerable followed by a dose expansion part to gain further efficacy and safety experience with AMG 701 in adult subjects with relapsed / refractory multiple myeloma (Aktiv)

Allogeneic Stem Cell Transplantation vs. Conventional Therapy as Salvage Therapy for Relapsed / Progressive Patients With Multiple Myeloma After First-line Therapy (Aktiv)

A Study to Determine Dose, Safety, Tolerability and Efficacy of CC-220 Monotherapy, and in Combination With Other Treatments in Subjects With Multiple Myeloma (Aktiv)

A Phase 3, Two-Stage, Randomized, Multicenter, Open-label Study Comparing Iberdomide, Daratumumab and Dexamethasone (IberDd) Versus Daratumumab, Bortezomib, and Dexamethasone (DVd) in Subjects With Relapsed or Refractory Multiple Myeloma (RRMM) (Aktiv)

Study at several sites to evaluate pomalidomide taken with dexamethasone (low dose) in patients with Multiple Myeloma (MM) and impaired kidney function who did not respond to the previous treatment or whose disease has returned after the previous treatment (Aktiv)

CCTC201672 - BELI(E)VE
Kombinationsbehandlung von Belantamab Mafodotin und Venetoclax bei der Behandlung von rezidiviertem und refraktärem t(11;14) Multiplen Myelom (Phase I/IIa) - BELI(E)VE (Aktiv)

DREAMM5 (GSK 208887)
Platform Study of GSK2857916 as monotherapy and in combination with anti-cancer treatmentsin participants with RRMM (Aktiv)

Long-Term Follow-up Protocol for Participants Treated With Gene-Modified T Cells (Aktiv)

Daratumumab in combination with Bortezomib and Dexamethason in subjects with Multiple Myeloma and severe renal impairment (Aktiv)

LYNX (54767414MMY2065)
Daratumumab Retreatment in Participants With Multiple Myeloma Who Have Been Previously Treated With Daratumumab Intravenous (Dara-IV) (Aktiv)

Phase II Studie zu MK-7684A (Vibostolimab/Pembrolizumab) bei rezidivierenden/refraktären hämatologischen Krebserkrankungen (Aktiv)

Novartis CWVT078A12101
A Study of WVT078 in Patients With Multiple Myeloma (MM) (Aktiv)

Paraproteinämische Keratopathie
Inzidenz der paraproteinämischer Keratopathie bei Patienten mit monoklonaler Gammopathie unklarer Signifikanz, smoldering multiplem Myelom und multiplem Myelom (Aktiv)

A Phase 1/2, First-in-Human, Open-Label, Dose Escalation Study of Talquetamab, a Humanized GPRC5D x CD3 Bispecific Antibody, in Subjects With Relapsed or Refractory Multiple Myeloma (Aktiv)

TECLIMMY 10001-P3,JNJ-64007957MMY1001
A Study of Teclistamab, in Participants With Relapsed or Refractory Multiple Myeloma (Aktiv)

TRIMM-2, 64407564MMY1002
A Study of Subcutaneous Daratumumab Regimens in Combination With Bispecific T Cell Redirection Antibodies for the Treatment of Participants With Multiple Myeloma (Aktiv)

Dr. N. Gökbuget, Dipl.-Biol. K. Ihrig | Ohne Gewähr für Richtigkeit oder Vollständigkeit |