5-ALA in children and adolescents Clinical Safety Study on 5-Aminolevulinic Acid (5-ALA) in Children and Adolescents With Supratentorial Brain Tumors (Aktiv)
ERASER Evaluation of repeated whole brain radiotherapy versus best supportive care for multiple brain metastases (Aktiv)
LAUREL Strahlentherapie nach chirurgischer Resektion von großen oder symptomatischen Hirnmetastasen (Aktiv)
Proto-R-Hirn Proton therapy of brain tumors: Prospective collection of efectiveness and side effects with standard clinical doses (Aktiv)
ProtoChoice-Hirn Vergleich von Protonen- und Photonentherapie von Hirntumoren (Aktiv)
FET PET 2010 A prospective, multicentre trial on the value of 18F-FET PET in the post-therapeutic evaluation of childhood brain tumours (Aktiv)
Kraniopharyngeom 2007 The present investigation is a prospective, multicenter study evaluating craniopharyngioma patients' prognoses following the various currently-practiced therapeutic strategies.Primary goals of the study are to establish quality standards and compare the various therapy strategies with respect to their effectiveness and impact on the quality of life of treated patients. (Aktiv)
NOA-18 / Improve Codel Improvement of functional Outcome for patients with newly diagnosed grade II or III glioma (Aktiv)
SIOP Ependymoma II An International Clinical Program for the Diagnosis and Treatment of Children With Ependymoma (Aktiv)
Zweitlinie oder später
INFORM2-NivEnt (NCT-2017-0516) INFORM2 Study Uses Nivolumab and Entinostat in Children and Adolescents With High-risk Refractory Malignancies (Aktiv)