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Status der Studie

» Solide Tumore und Neoplasien » Verschiedene solide Tumore/Neoplasien

Alle Linien

A Phase I/II study of Brigatinib in pediatric and young adult patients with ALK+ Anaplastic Large Cell Lymphoma, Inflammatory Myofibroblastic Tumors or other solid tumors (Aktiv)

Rivaroxaban in the Treatment of Venous Thromboembolism (VTE) in Cancer Patients (Aktiv)

CodeBreak 101
A Phase 1b/2, Protocol Evaluating the Safety, Tolerability, Pharmacokinetics, and Efficacy of Sotorasib Monotherapy and in Combination With Other Anti-cancer Therapies in Subjects With Advanced Solid Tumors With KRAS p.G12C Mutation (Aktiv)

Zweitlinie oder später

I3Y-MC-JPCS Abemaciclib
A Study of Abemaciclib (LY2835219) in Combination With Temozolomide and Irinotecan and Abemaciclib in Combination With Temozolomide in Children and Young Adult Participants With Solid Tumors (Aktiv)

IGNYTE (RPL-001-16)
Eine offene, multizentrische Phase-1/2-Studie mit RP1 als Einzelwirkstoff und in Kombination mit PD1-Blockade bei Patienten mit soliden Tumoren (Aktiv)

IMA 401-101
A Phase Ia/Ib First-In-Human Clinical Trial to Evaluate the Safety, Tolerability and Initial Anti-tumor Activity of IMA401, a Bispecific T Cell Engaging Receptor Molecule (TCER®), in Patients With Recurrent and/or Refractory Solid Tumors. (Aktiv)

INFORM2-NivEnt (NCT-2017-0516)
INFORM2 Study Uses Nivolumab and Entinostat in Children and Adolescents With High-risk Refractory Malignancies (Aktiv)

MK-7684A With or Without Other Anticancer Therapies in Participants With Selected Solid Tumors (MK-7684A-005) (KEYVIBE-005) (Aktiv)

Eine Phase-2-Studie mit Pembrolizumab in Kombination mit Olaparib bei Teilnehmern mit vorbehandeltem, Homologe Rekombinationsreparatur-Mutation (HRRm) oder Homologe Rekombinationsdefizienz (HRD) positivem fortgeschrittenem Krebs (Aktiv)

A Phase 1 Study of SGN-PDL1V in Advanced Solid Tumors (Aktiv)

TKnife TK-8001
A Phase 1/2, First-in-Human, Open-Label, Two Part Clinical Trial of TK-8001 (MAGE-A1--Directed TCR Transduced Autologous CD8+ T-cells) in Patients With HLA-A*02:01 Genotype and Advanced Stage/Metastatic, MAGE-A1+ Solid Tumors That Either Have No Further Approved Therapeutic Alternative(s) or Are in a Non-Curable State and Have Received a Minimum of Two Lines of Systemic Therapy (Aktiv)

Dr. N. Gökbuget, Dipl.-Biol. K. Ihrig | Ohne Gewähr für Richtigkeit oder Vollständigkeit |