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Status der Studie

» Thoraxonkologie » Kleinzelliges Lungenkarzinom

Alle Linien

AMG 757 Studie
A study to assess the safety, tolerability, and pharmacokinetics of AMG 757 in Subjects with Small Cell Lung Cancer (Aktiv)

Whole Brain Radiation Therapy Alone vs. Radiosurgery for SCLC Patients With 1-10 Brain Metastases (ENCEPHALON) (Aktiv)


AMG 20200469
A Phase 1b Study Evaluating the Safety and Efficacy of First-Line Tarlatamab in Combination With Carboplatin, Etoposide, and PD-L1 Inhibitor in Subjects With Extensive Stage Small Cell Lung Cancer (Aktiv)

Clinical Research Platform Into Molecular Testing, Treatment and Outcome of (Non-)Small Cell Lung Carcinoma Patients (Aktiv)

A study on the efficacy and safety of cisplatin/etoposide and concomitant radiotherapy in combination with durvalumab, an immunotherapy, in patients with local limited small cell lung cancer (Aktiv)

Zweitlinie oder später

20200491 DeLLphi
Eine Phase-2-Studie zur Beurteilung der Wirksamkeit, Sicherheit, Verträglichkeit und Pharmakokinetik von AMG 757 bei Patienten mit rezidiviertem/refraktärem kleinzelligem Lungenkarzinom nach mindestens zwei vorangegangenen Therapielinien (Aktiv)

A Randomized, Open-label, Phase 3 Study of Tarlatamab Compared With Standard of Care in Subjects With Relapsed Small Cell Lung Cancer After Platinum-based First-line Chemotherapy (DeLLphi-304) (Aktiv)

BI 1438-0002
A Phase I, non-randomized, open-label, multi-center dose escalation trial of BI 764532 combined with ezabenlimab in patients with Small Cell Lung Carcinoma and other neuroendocrine neoplasms expressing DLL3. (Aktiv)

BI 1438-0009/ DAREON-9
DAREON-9: A Phase Ib Open-label Dose Escalation and Dose Confirmation Safety Study of Intravenous BI 764532 in Combination With Topotecan for the Treatment of Patients With Small Cell Lung Cancer (Aktiv)

DAREON™-5 / 1438-0005
An open-label, multi-center Phase II dose selection trial of intravenous BI 764532, a DLL3-targeting T cell engager, in patients with relapsed/refractory extensive-stage small cell lung cancer and in patients with other relapsed/refractory neuroendocrine carcinomas (Aktiv)

A Study to Test Different Doses of BI 764532 in Patients With Small Cell Lung Cancer and Other Neuroendocrine Tumours That Are Positive for Delta-Like Ligand 3 (DLL3). (Aktiv)

A Randomized, Multicenter, Open-label, Phase III Study of Lurbinectedin Single-Agent or Lurbinectedin in Combination with Irinotecan versus Investigator’s Choice (Topotecan or Irinotecan) in Relapsed Small Cell Lung Cancer (SCLC) Patients (LAGOON Trial) (Aktiv)

Multizentrische Basket-Studie zur kombinierten CRAF- und MEK-Inhibition bei fortgeschrittenen Tumorerkrankungen mit BRAF-Mutationen und eingeschränkter Kinase-Aktivität (Aktiv)

Dr. N. Gökbuget, Dipl.-Biol. K. Ihrig | Ohne Gewähr für Richtigkeit oder Vollständigkeit |